
The package PbIso is a free and open R toolbox for commonly used calculations and plots of Pb–Pb isotope data and for generating Pb evolution models. In this paper, we review Pb isotope systematics and the calculations that are commonly used, such as model age, model source μ (238U/204Pb), time-integrated κ (232Th/238U), and initial Pb isotope ratios. These equations are implemented into R functions in the package PbIso. In addition, functions are provided for generating Pb evolution models, paleoisochrons, and isochrons. This allows users to apply calculations to their data in a straightforward way while providing transparency and flexibility of the calculations used. We have implemented some basic features of the PbIso package into an online shiny R application (see https://shereearmistead.github.io/software/pbiso ), which makes it easy for users without any R experience to use these calculations with their own data and to generate plots. We have provided a case study from the Superior Province in Canada, showing how different Pb evolution models can be generated in PbIso and compared to Pb isotope data.

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