
Lead-isotope data were obtained for a population of Pb-chalcogenides (galena, clausthalite and altaite) and Cu-(Fe)-sulfides in Cu-(Fe)-sulfide mineral separates from the Prominent Hill iron-oxide copper gold deposit, Mt Woods Inlier, South Australia. Each mineral displays wide variability in 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios, ranging from moderately radiogenic Pb signatures to strongly radiogenic. Any contribution from non-radiogenic (common) lead at the time of initial deposit formation (1600–1585 Ma) is minor. Lead is overwhelmingly derived from the decay of U, with a minor contribution from the decay of Th also present within the ores. The heterogenous nature of the recorded Pb isotope values suggests a mixing of isotope signatures during repeated cycles of fluid-assisted dissolution, remobilisation and reprecipitation of U- and Pb-bearing phases. Hydrothermal experiments showed that the incorporation of Pb-chalcogenide (galena) occurs rapidly (days) at relatively mild conditions (≤150 °C), via precipitation in reaction-induced porosity formed during coupled dissolution reprecipitation reactions of the host Cu-(Fe)-sulfides. Hence, even minor hydrothermal activity may result in some trapping of radiogenic Pb by pre-existing Cu-(Fe)-sulfides. Construction of Pb-Pb pseudo-isochrons from the data supports these assessments, returning a range of possible (theoretical) ages (0–0.535 Ga) for Pb-chalcogenide formation. An additional (two-stage) Pb evolution model is preserved by the data with separation of each reservoir from the bulk silicate earth at ∼ 830 Ma and mixing of the two reservoirs at ∼ 500 Ma. Although the Pb-isotope data can be interpreted as resulting from a number of discrete events that generated regional-scale fluid flow, near-continuous Pb (re)-mobilisation at the nm- to deposit-scales is an equally valid interpretation, and is also consistent with observations of modern radionuclide mobility in the ores. The observations made within this study should be considered when discussing the mobility of elements within and between mineral phases in ore-forming systems. They show that many mineral phases, particularly the sulphide mineral phases discussed here, should not be considered as closed systems, but potentially, as systems in which chemistry and mineral stoichiometry evolve continuously over geological time.

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