
A design concept of Pb Bi cooled direct contact boiling water small fast reactor (PBWFR) has been formulated with some design parameters identified. Water is injected into hot Pb Bi above the core, and direct contact boiling takes place in chimneys. Boiling bubbles rise due to buoyancy effects, which works as a lift pump for Pb Bi circulation. The generated steam passes through separators and dryers for the removal of Pb Bi droplets, and then flows into turbines for the generation of electricity. The system pressure of 7 MPa is as the same as that of the conventional boiling water reactors (BWRs). The outlet steam is superheated by 10°C to avoid the accumulation of condensate on a Pb Bi free surface in the reactor vessel. The control rods are inserted from above, which is different from the original concept. This insertion was chosen since the seal of steam at the top of the reactor vessel is technically much easier than the seal of Pb Bi at the bottom of the reactor vessel. The electric power of 150 MWe may be the maximum which is practically possible as a small reactor with economic competitiveness to conventional LWRs. A two-region core is designed. A decrease in reactivity was estimated to be 1.5% dk/kk′ for 15 years. A fuel assembly has 271 fuel rods with 12.0 mm in diameter and 15.9 mm in pitch in a hexagonal wrapper tube. The design limit of cladding temperature is specified to be 650°C for compatibility of cladding material with Pb Bi. As a result, the Pb Bi core outlet temperature becomes 460°C. The Pb Bi temperature rise in the core is 150°C. The conditions of the secondary coolant steam are as the same as those of conventional BWRs with thermal efficiency of 33%. The core is designed to have the breeding ratio of 1.1 and the refueling interval of 15 years as a reactor with a long-life core. Direct heat exchangers (DHX), reactor vessel air cooling systems (RVACS) and guard vessel are designed.

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