
The Palmottu U/Th deposit is located in the southeastern part of the Baltic shield (SW Finland). The mineral isa t ion bedrock belongs to the Svecofennian domain of the Svecokarelian orogeny. This orogeny, which occurred about 1.9-1.8 Ga ago, involved folding and general metamorphism of Jatulian sediments (2.2-2.0 Ga), and synorogenic plutonism. Intrusions of post-orogenic plutons occurred during the final stages (1.8 Ga). The U/Th ore consists mainly of disseminated uraninite, related to this latest stage (R~iis~inen 1986). Pb isotope and U repartition have been analysed in calcium carbonate veins of probable hydrothermal origin, within fractures related to the ore body. This study is part of an EEC research program on nuclear waste disposal in cristalline bedrocks. Sampling and analytical techniques

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