
Since 2005, when changes in Medicare reimbursement for IgG replacement therapy went into effect, physicians and patients with primary immunodeficiency disease (PIDD) have encountered a number of challenges to administering and receiving appropriate immunoglobulin therapy. A 2006 membership survey conducted by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology found that 95 % of responders thought that the health of their patients was at risk due to Medicare changes; many patient surveys also found a significant number adversely affected by these changes. Decisions critical for optimal care being made by third-party payors are often in conflict with guidelines on recommended standard of care. Many payors, for example, are dictating where infusions can occur despite evidence clearly demonstrating that choice of the site of care needs to be determined by the particular patient's circumstance and experience. Another critical issue is the lack of product availability due to the determination by payors of which IgG products appear on formularies. Patients, physicians, and payors all bring their own perspective to these issues, and finding a solution to these challenges requires balancing the needs of all three groups.

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