
Just-in-time (JIT) compilation in dynamic programming languages can improve execution speed in code with hot sections. However, that comes at the cost of increased memory usage for the storage of compiled code and associated bookkeeping data, as well as up-front compilation time for the hot code. The current standard JIT compilation policy (used in both Android's JIT compiler and the HotSpot Java compiler) is simplistic; any method that has reached a certain hotness, as counted by invocations and loop iterations, is scheduled for compilation. This would be fine if the cost/benefit of compilation was the same for every method of a given hotness, but that is not the case. In fact, compiling a large method will likely result in less overall speedup than compiling a smaller, equally hot method. This exposes an opportunity for improvement. We propose the PAYJIT compilation policy for method-based JIT compilers, which scales compilation hotness thresholds with method sizes, and includes two-point tuning, a mechanism for determining those hotness thresholds. In this way, PAYJIT compiles more small methods, it compiles them sooner, and it nearly eliminates the compilation of large methods that contribute little to overall speedup. Among 10 popular Android apps tested across 16 experiments, the PAYJIT compilation policy decreases compilation time by a maximum of 49.2%, with an average of 18.7%; execution time by a maximum of 10.9%, with an average of 1.34% (for a geometric mean speedup of 1.46%); and code cache size by a maximum of 41.1%, with an average of 15.6%.

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