
This paper is devoted to the Avar and Bulgarian borders in the Early Middle Ages. Period middle of VI centurt was a time of gaining homeland by Avars. This was followed by wars with the Germans, Gepids and Slavic tribal unions of Sklavines and Antes. Early campaigns against the Avars, the Franks were reconnaissance in force. Conflicts of Franks and Romans with Slavs and Avars were often used as a pretext for invasion. The boundaries of the Franks, Bavarians, Lombards, the Byzantine Empire with the Slavs were considered as the Avar Khaganate its borders. Avars immediately occupied the territory of the Pannonian Plain and the adjacent regions. Byzantium Empire during the second half of VI century managed to keep the border on the Danube. Lands of Moesia and Illyricum officially recognized for Byzantium Empire, despite to fact of Slavian migration in this region. Danube border collapsed after the revolt of Phocas in 602 year, the apogee of power of Avarians was 626 year, when Avars and Sklavines precipitated Constantinople. In fact, under the control of the Avars it was the vast majority of land in the Balkans, which were settled Slavs. Actions in the west against the Franks and the Lombards had to change the border, raids were made in order to capture of slaves. Unsuccessful siege of Constantinople and the revolt of the Slavs under leadership of Samo led to the crisis of the Avar Khaganate. Migration of Croats and Serbs to the Balkans, as well as the revolt of Bulgarian tribes it only deepened crisis of Avarian khaganate. Under the control of the Avars left only lands of nomads on plain. Revival of Avarian power take place only in the VIII century. The Balkans are no longer played the object of their campaigns, because there was formed the mighty Danube Bulgaria, which took control of the Slavs. Croats was also an obstacle to the Avar Khaganate. Avarian activity was possible only in a western direction, where they essentially pushed Khorutans, who were forced to seek help from the Bavarians. Avars at the invitation of the Lombards took part in the internecine wars in Friuli. Avars intervention in Lombardian and Bavarian policy was for Francs pretext for the invasion of the Avar Khaganate. After the defeat of the Franks Avars lost their empire and their possessions in Pannonia were converted into the Frankish frontier mark. Danube Bulgaria took part in the division of the legacy of the Avarian khaganate, but the power of the Bulgars in Transylvania and Pannonia was quite conventional. Under the effective control of the Danube Bulgaria and Wallachia were land Ongl (Bugeak). Camping in the direction of the Dnieper and the Tisza probably meant the desire to expand the area of influence.

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