
Water-deprived rats were used to investigate the effects of training a CS in more than one context on conditioned lick suppression. In each experiment, partial reinforcement of the CS was intermingled with unsignaled presentations of the US. In Experiment 1, subjects were either trained in one context alone, trained consecutively in two contexts (such that all training in one context occurred prior to any training in the second context), or trained alternately in two contexts. Following training, the first context, the second context, or neither context was extinguished. Testing of the CS occurred in a third (neutral) context. To the extent that either training context became established as a comparator stimulus for the CS, the comparator hypothesis (Miller & Matzel, 1988) predicts an increase in excitatory responding to the CS following extinction of that context. Subjects trained in a single context exhibited appreciable fear of the CS only when the CS’s training context had been extinguished. Additionally, subjects trained consecutively in the two contexts showed increased fear of the CS following extinction of the second, but not the first training context (i.e., a recency effect). Subjects trained alternately in the two contexts showed no increased fear of the CS as a result of either context alone being extinguished. In Experiment 2, subjects trained alternately in two contexts showed increased fear of the CS only when both training contexts were extinguished, suggesting that both training contexts had become comparator stimuli. These data indicate that multiple training contexts can either compete or act synergistic-ally in modulating responding to a Pavlovian trained CS as a function of the order of training in the different contexts.

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