
AbstractThe growth rate of interventional radiology (IR) procedures and practitioners has exceeded the pace of evidence development to support evidence-based practice. In the innovative and highly adaptive field of IR, there exists a tremendous need for interventional radiologists to practice evidence-based medicine as a way to maintain and improve quality of health care. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered to be the gold standard of research, providing level I evidence, but in procedural subspecialties, they remain difficult to design and implement due to challenges in randomization, blinding, and inadequate sample size. To build the foundation of evidence in IR, registry studies can play a complementary role to RCTs. Clinical data registries may offer a more practical approach to gathering outcomes data, important in this era with the advent of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), in comparison with RCTs. Properly designed registries can store an abundance of data with which high-quality observational studies can be performed. Although considered level II evidence, these registry studies will allow the evaluation of both performance and value of IR procedures, particularly in circumstances in which an RCT would not be feasible. This manuscript aims to serve as a guide for developing and participating in IR registry studies.

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