
Paul's 'pattern of religion' and the determination of reference The interpretation of meaning in a Pauline text starts in the micro-context and proceeds via the macro-structure of the letter to Paul's pattern of religion. This implies a synchronic approach. It is argued that a pattern of religion thus constructed functions as a method of control in establishing an interpretation of meaning. Pattern of religion consists of that which is basic to Pauline thinking and the first phase surface motives which are generated by this basic pattern of belief. The study concludes that the interpretation of meaning in Paul should take note of the uniqueness of Paul's thinking. The method developed is pointed by an interpretation of the meaning of eleos in Romans 15:9.


  • Paul's 'pattem of religion' and the determination of reference The interpretation of meaning in a Pauline text starts in the micro-context and proceeds via the macro-structure of the letter to Paul's pattern of religion

  • Pattern of religion consists of that which is basic to Pauline thinking and the first phase surface motives which are generated by this basic pattern of belief

  • Sanders (1977) het aangetoon dat sekere elemente, maar veral hulle onderlinge verhouding as grondliggende pattern of religion, Paulus se teologie dra

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Die literêre bedrywigheid in die vroeg-Christelike kerk is opvallend. Dit is nie die hoeveelheid wat geskryf is wat opvallend is nie, maar eerder die relatief baie er\ wyduiteenlopende genres. Die vraag wat in hierdie studie beantwoord word, is of die vasstelling van Paulus se godsdienspatroon 'n wettige rol kan speel in die bepaling van verwysing. Dit is eers as aan hierdie barre fundamentele opposisies in Paulus se denke gestalte gegee word deur konkrete uit­ sprake (figures) op die oppervlakte, dat die teks betekenis kry (Boers 1984: 133, 138). In hierdie generatiewe teorie van Boers kan die mikrowêreld (die fundamentele opposisies in Paulus se denke wat hy met die hele mensheid deel) op sigself, geen rol speel by die interpretasie van 'n teks se betekenis nie. Die godsdienspatroon word nie so diep in wat grondliggend is, vooronderstel dat dit nie 'n rol op sigself in die vasstelling van vervi^sing kan speel nie. Saam met Boers word dit beklemtoon dat 'n teks betekenis kry vanuit die uitsprake op die oppervlakte

Trajekrekonstruksie se twyfelagtige bydrae tot interpretasie van betekenis
Dóxa toú theoú
Verlossing en mens
Die onlosmaakbaarheid van geloof en lewe
Eleos in Romeine 15:9 as voorbeeld
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