
This article aims to reflectively analyse the personal and organisational trajectory of a grassroots activist—researcher in translating abstract praxis-related theoretical ideas to practise through a two-way process of learning. It critically discuses an evolving process of collective actions and associated reflections that progressively brought clarity on the theoretical aspects of the Freirean concepts. The process of the application and usefulness of the problem posing education, conscientisation and critical consciousness in transforming the lives of women and communities is reflectively narrated. The author argues that Freire’s transformative conceptualisations not only have the impact on the ‘oppressed’, but also on the ‘privileged’ who chose to work with them. Despite some limitations, the author, as a community practitioner/activist, finds Freire’s ideas as a gift in the political purpose and politics of her work. These reflections will be of use to community practitioners and members working in similar contexts.

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