
Dysmenorrhea is a condition than women often feel on their productive age and disrupttheir daily activity. A study that was condone in Palembang finds that 93,8% SMA femalestudent had dysmenorrhea. A study in India finds 42% in 654 respondent decided to healtheir dysmenorrhea without visiting physician and 35% is using wrong medications.Analgetics as pain reliever sold freely in markets. Dysmenorrhea effects life quality andeducations for the easiness in obtaining the medicine in markets, making the researchabout analgetics usage patterns in Faculty of Medicine, Srwijaya University 2016-2019students. The design of this study was cross-sectional descriptive observational on 25Desember 2019 until 6 Januari 2020. The population of this study is FK Unsri (2016-2019) students with 628 respondent. The respondent characteristics is found by usingquestionnaire. Dysmenorrhea prevalence on FK UNSRI student is 88%. Dysmenorrheaprevalence that distrupt activity is 64,7%. FK UNSRI student (2016-2019) that usedmefenamic acid is 48,3%, paracetamol is 33,8% and ibuprofen is 6,2% for theirdysmenorrhea.. FK UNSRI student (2016-2019) that consumed analgetics once per day is80,6%. FK UNSRI student (2016-2019) that picked tablet is 97,9%. FK UNSRI student(2016-2019) that chose to used it for a day is 76,5%. The analgetics that is mostly chosenfor FK UNSRI (2016-2019) students is mefenamic acid, tablet that was consumed once perday for a day.

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