
Conservatism hits all religions, including Islam. Muslim conservatives have found momentum in the last decade as identity politics divides the nation. This study aims to describe the problem of depression in Muslim analysis amid the wasatiyyah culture of the Madurese people. This study uses a qualitative approach with the main data network of in-depth interviews with religious leaders, activists, academics, and the government. Also, direct data observations with the community with relatively long observations; researchers use documents from several online mass media, BPS data. The data collection technique was carried out purposefully, and data analysis was carried out using Aceberg's theory and U analysis. This study found that the pattern of strengthening Muslim destruction in Pamekasan was through the praxis of religious intolerance and aggressiveness, such as burning tourist attractions and besieging the homes of state officials. The action was carried out due to low knowledge, political sociology, and the influence of Wahhabi Salafi ideology. The most responsive Islamic organization is Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Meanwhile, other mass organizations, such as Muhammadiyah,are less responsive to cases of violence of this kind.

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