
This article presents the results of long-term field studies on methane in the upper part of the permafrost for different geomorphological levels of Central Yakutia. Patterns of the spatial distribution of the methane content across different landscapes were found. The difference in the methane content in sediments of the Late Pleistocene ice complex on the left and right banks of the Lena River was found for the inter-alas areas. This was caused by different conditions of formation: the formation of a thin cover of deposits occurred under sub-aqua conditions favorable for methanogenesis on the left bank and in more dry aerobic conditions on the right bank. The highest concentrations of methane were found in alas deposits, where the major role belongs to the duration of freezing after draining the thermokarst lake in subaerial conditions. The methane content is highly variable both laterally and with depth in the studied deposits, but there is no redistribution after freezing; this allows one to use methane as a paleo indicator of the conditions of accumulation and freezing of sediments.

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