
Species that vary in social structure within and among populations can provide unparalleled insight into the evolution of sociality. The theridiid spider Anelosimus studiosus varies widely in its social structure at the northern edge of its range. Colony sizes range from the solitary/territorial female with her offspring to cooperative colonies of tens to hundreds of adult females. In previous work, we developed an assured fitness returns ‘brood-fostering model’ that predicts that in cooler environments mothers in multiple-female colonies will have a selective advantage over solitary female nests. According to the model, at cool sites the rate of juvenile maturation is slowed, increasing the probability that the mother will die before the brood reaches independence. In her absence, other females would foster her brood. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating colony size and by monitoring the reproductive success of naturally occurring solitary and multifemale colonies in cold and warm temperature environments. Our results indicate that while multiple-female colonies have higher fitness at cool sites, the solitary female nests achieve higher fitness at warmer sites. The higher reproductive success of multifemale colonies at cold sites further reflects the total failure of solitary female nests at these sites. Solitary female nests that survived generally had higher reproductive success than multifemale colonies at all temperatures. In natural colonies, fitness was highest for smaller multifemale colonies in the colder environments and decreased in the larger colonies. We use these data to refine the brood-fostering model and discuss the results with regard to the observed polymorphism in social structure.

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