
Abstract The study examined the applicability of Baumrind's patterns of parental control to Kuwaiti society. The patterns consisted of the three main patterns: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive; and two subpatterns derived from Baumrind's writings. A 50-item questionnaire that tapped child-rearing views was developed, based on the characteristics of the patterns. The questionnaire was administered to 400 mother-father pairs, all of them University students. Results indicated that educated Kuwaiti parents regard the authoritative pattern to be the most appropriate for parental control. The additional finding is indicative of the continuing influence of traditional social values in Kuwait society. On the whole, the study demonstrates the possibility of applying western models of socialisation to non-western societies. Cette etude examine l'applicabilite des modeles de controle parental de Baumrind dans la societe du Koweit. Les modeles etudies consistent en 3 modeles principaux: autorite, autorit...

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