
This study provides basic information on the occurrence of platyhelminths in the wild bullseye puffer (Sphoeroides annulatus) from Sinaloa, Mexico. Specimens of pufferfish were collected from 2 localities: Teacapan (n = 161) and Mazatlan (n = 66). Six species of platyhelminths were recorded: 2 monogeneans (Diclidophoridae: Heterobothrium ecuadori and Capsalidae: Neobenedenia melleni) and 4 digeneans (Apocreadiidae: Homalometron longisinosum, Lepocreadiidae: Bianium plicitum, Gorgoridae: Phyllodristomum mirandai, and Fellodistomidae: Lintonium vibex). This is the first record of the platyhelminth L. vibex in S. annulatus in the Mexican Pacific. Bianium plicitum was the most abundant species, and H. ecuadori was the most prevalent species. The fish from Teacapan had the higher prevalence of platyhelminths. Teacapan had higher specific richness index, whereas Mazatlan had a higher dominance, 3.098 (Teacapan = 2.38). A relative risk analysis showed that B. plicitum was more likely to be present on fish in water within the temperature range of 21-25 C and from Teacapan compared with fish from the warmer water (26-30 C) or from Mazatlan. Heterobothrium ecuadori was more likely to be present at water temperatures of 23-24.5 C on fish from Teacapan and when other ectoparasites were present. Neobenedenia melleni also was more likely to be present when other parasites were present.

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