
Olivocochlear efferent neurons originate in the superior olivary complex of the brainstem and terminate within sensory cell regions of the organ of Corti. Components of this complex include the lateral olivocochlear bundle whose unmyelinated axons synapse with radial afferent dendrites below inner hair cells and the medial olivocochlear bundle, from which myelinated axons form a direct synaptic contact with outer hair cells. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), a major neurotransmitter of the central nervous system believed to be responsible for most fast-inhibitory transmissions, has been demonstrated with interspecies variation between mammal and primate auditory efferents. In the present study, we evaluate the immunocytochemical presence of GABA in 10 human cochleae using light and electron microscopy. GABA-like immunostaining could be observed in inner spiral fibers, tunnel spiral fibers, tunnel-crossing fibers, and at efferent endings synapsing with outer hair cells. To approximate medial efferent fiber quantifications, we counted labeled terminals at the base of each outer hair cell and then compared this sum with the number of tunnel crossing fibers. We found a ‘branching ratio’ of 1:2 implicating a doubling in quantifiable efferent fibers at the level of the outer hair cell. In human, the distribution of GABA-like immunoreactivity showed a consistent presence throughout all turns of the cochlea. A new method for application of immunoelectron microscopy on human cochleae using a pre-embedding technique is also presented and discussed.

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