
Оbjective of the article is to identify and characterize the features of anti-utopia in R. Bradbury’s novel «Fahrenheit 451». Methods. The main scientific results are obtained using a set of general scientific and special research methods, namely: analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific and educational literature on literary studies, psychology, linguistics; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, as well as comparative, descriptive and analytical. Results. The basis for writing the article were the characteristic patterns of anti-utopia, which are reflected in the text of the work. It is worth noted in contrast to the genre of utopia, which describes the ideal systems of organization of state and society. In this regard, the use of the method of proof «from the opposite», which consists in this case in the search and demonstration of provisions that contradict the foundations of the utopian genre, can be considered justified. The study finds that Ray Bradbury is one of the most extraordinary science fiction writers of our time; analysis of the novel «Fahrenheit 451» proves that his works are deeply philosophical. It has been studied that when Bradbury projects his plots into the future or builds them on fantastic circumstances, he does so only to say about the real problems that humanity in its eternal quest for improvement must learn to overcome. In the novel «Fahrenheit 451» the author identifies several emerging problems in the society: the conflict of man and technology, the spirituality of people (man and religion), the philosophy of the herd; the features of anti-utopia in Bradbury’s novel include: the conditionality of place and space of action, which occurs as if in the future (100 years), but it provides for the beginning of the degradation of society; the very image of American society with its technological progress, which levels all human traits and feelings; loneliness of the hero, yogi search for his true purpose. Bradbury expresses his attitude to the spirituality of society, which could exchange the profound wisdom of the book for a cheap mass pleasure industry.

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