
Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 17 is a frequent genetic alteration in breast cancer. To assess whether the location of potential tumor suppressor genes is compatible with the LOH pattern in individual tumors, we analyzed allele loss on chromosome 17 in 121 invasive ductal breast carcinomas and 16 benign breast tumors with 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers (4 on 17p and 10 on 17q). Fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for typing microsatellites coupled with DNA fragment analysis in an automated DNA sequencer was applied. Frequencies of LOH varied from 29.4% (D17S1322) to 57.4% (TP53-Alu). No LOH could be detected in benign breast tumors. In 54 tumors the deletion patterns were consistent with the complete loss of 17p (n = 28), 17q (n = 9) or the whole chromosome 17 (n = 17). Five smallest regions of overlap (SROs) were identified in tumors with interstial deletion patterns. On 17p, two foci were detected affecting the TP53 locus and the hypermethylated in cancer I (HICI) region (17p13.3). On 17q, SRO1 was localized between markers THRAI and D17S855, centromeric to the breast/ovarian cancer gene BRCAI; SRO2 was flanked by markers AFM234 and NMEI, and SRO3 was centered between markers MPO and GH. Associations between LOH and histopathological characteristics were determined. Significant correlations were found between higher grade and loss of the TP53 gene (marker TP53, P = 0.019), loss of the BRCAI region (P < 0.009), LOH of marker AFM155 (P = 0.003) and marker NMEI (P = 0.026). For positive estrogen receptor status, only LOH of the THRAI marker correlated significantly, whereas highly significant correlations were determined between positive progesterone receptor and markers centromeric to the BRCAI region D17S250 (P = 0.00002), THRAI (P = 0.0006), and the intragenic BRCAI markers [D17S1322 (P = 0.021), D17S855 (P = 0.029)]. Results presented in this study identify five independent regions of chromosome 17 which are likely to contain potential tumor suppressor genes involved in the carcinogenesis of sporadic breast cancer.

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