
Tooth contact patterns in laterotrusion, protrusion of the mandible, and in the retruded position were recorded in young men with varying types of occlusion. The tooth contacts were recorded clinically with alginate (irreversible hydrocolloid) indices. In addition, the functional state of the masticatory system was evaluated by the recording of signs and symptoms of mandibular dysfunction and of the abrasion of the teeth. On protrusion, most subjects had contacts only on anterior teeth. Protrusive contacts only on posterior teeth were rare. On laterotrusion, most subjects had group function on the functional side. Contact on the nonfunctional side was found in half of the subjects in a 1.5 mm laterotrusive position and in one third of them in a 3 mm laterotrusive position. No correlation between the types of tooth contacts and mandibular dysfunction was found.

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