
Media animation video is one of visualization media that can describe the movement and transformation in a process as process of transport in plant. This study aimed to analyze the pattern of student mental representation when faced with media animation video and its relation to student mental effort. This research is a descriptive research conducted on 33 students of 4th semester who are studying the course of Plant Physiology at one of the University in Bandung, Indonesia. The measurement of mental representation is done by using worksheet CNET-Protocol while the measurement of mental effort is done by using questionnaire subjective rating scale. The analysis shows that there are 3 patterns of mental representation formed by the students when faced media animation video that is one-way linear pattern, simple branched pattern and branched more than two pattern. The analysis of correlation between mental representation and student mental effort show no significant correlation of both. This results describe that pattern of students mental representation formed on the media animation video shows a variety patterns. But in its formation, mental representation is not influenced by the mental effort done by the students but purely from working memory.

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