
Females of the swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) mate multiply during their life span and use the spermatophores transferred to increase their longevity as well as fecundity. Sperm from different males may be stored in the sperm storage organs (bursa copulatrix and spermatheca). To clarify the pattern of sperm storage and migration in the reproductive tract, mated females are dissected after various intervals subsequent to the first mating, and the type and activity of sperm in the spermatheca are observed. When virgin females are mated with virgin males, the females store sperm in the spermatheca for more than 10 days. Sperm displacement is found in females that are remated 7 days after the first mating. Immediately after remating, these females flush out the sperm of the first male from the spermatheca before sperm migration of the second male has started. However, females receiving a small spermatophore at the second mating show little sperm displacement, and the sperm derived from the small spermatophore might not be able to enter the spermatheca. Females appear to use spermatophore size to monitor male quality.

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