
Background: Clients satisfaction have gained increasing attention as meaningful and important sources of information for identifying gaps and developing an effective action plan for quality improvement in healthcare organizations. However, there only very few published studies reporting of the improvement resulting from feedback information of patient surveys, and in most cases, these studies are not in line with their findings. The patients become the main strategy for the main strategy for the organization of health services. This is the era of patients centre care. The study attempts to evaluate patients satisfaction with quality of service offered by clinical pathology Department in JUTH. Materials and methods: 150 Subjects were recruited after consent by random sampling through an inquiry conducted anonymously during the months of January and May 2017. The age range is between eighteen to seventy years. The inquiry was in form of questionnaire with the following questions: accessibility to the laboratory, cleanliness of the laboratory, patients-staff interpersonal relationship, waiting time and turn around time (TAT), labeled 1,2,3,4,5 respectively. Classification of the calculation results of questionnaires was carried out in three categories, namely good service quality, service quality is good enough, and the quality of service quality, service quality is good enough, and the quality of service is not good. Results: This study showed very high overall satisfaction of patients on service in clinical pathology laboratory (80.4%). The levers of cleanliness, communication level and TAT have the highest satisfaction with 99%, 95% and 93% respectively. Those with good enough falls into the category of accessibility and time taken with 52% and 63% respectively. The overall degree of satisfaction is 80.4%. Conclusion: The patients satisfaction in the lever of cleanness, communication, and TAT was the highest (good quality service) and the lowest of the levers ......

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