
Introduction: Primary Health Care (PHC) patient satisfaction represents a key marker for the quality of health care delivery and this internationally accepted factor needs to be studied repeatedly for smooth functioning of the health care system. Few studies have been conducted to address PHC patient satisfaction. Objectives: To investigate the level of satisfaction of patients with PHC services provided in Majmaah City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, focusing on the reasons behind satisfaction or dissatisfaction of patients attending the PHC centres, level of satisfaction and type of services provided by PHC centres, level of satisfaction and social factors and opinion of patients about improvement of PHC services. Materials and methods: The study was cross-sectional and facility-based. The sample comprised 370 patients. Data were collected by pretested questionnaire and analysed by Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS; IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA). Results: Level of patient satisfaction was found to be 81%. The most common reason for satisfaction was good hygiene at PHC centres, while the most common reason for dissatisfaction was unsuitable buildings (38%). There was no significant association between satisfaction and gender, occupation, literacy and marital status. It was the opinion of that patients that refurbishment of buildings could improve satisfaction with PHC services. Conclusions: The level of patient satisfaction with the health services provided by PHC centres in Majmaah City was high. The most common reasons for satisfaction were respect and good communication with the patients by doctors and staff. Unsuitable building and absence of dental services were the most common reasons for dissatisfaction. There was no relation observed between satisfaction and social factors.

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