
Deterioration rate among patients with bulimia-spectrum eating disorders (BN-EDs) after receiving enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-E) remains high. Previous studies identified body image concerns, environmental triggers, lack of social support, lack of resources, comorbidity, and discontinued skill use as predictors of deterioration. However, no studies have qualitatively explored patients' perceptions of how these factors influenced their skill use and led to deterioration after receiving outpatient CBT. This study aimed to qualitatively explore (1) what post-treatment factors patients believe contributed to deterioration, and (2) whether patients continued to practice the CBT skills they learned from treatment and identify motivators and barriers to post-treatment skill use. Twelve participants who had previously completed 16 sessions of CBT for their BN-EDs and experienced at least modest treatment responses participated in the qualitative interviews. Four themes were identified from the qualitative interviews. Post-treatment deterioration was primarily driven by decreased skill use due to a perceived sudden loss of accountability and continued body dissatisfaction after treatment ended. Discontinued practice of binge analysis led to decreased awareness of the relationship between poor skill use and ED behaviors. Difficulty accessing resources impeded participants from receiving external help to address challenges in skill practice, thus also contributing to deterioration. Findings suggested that outpatient treatment for BN-EDs patients should emphasize more on body image concern, and deterioration prevention for outpatient CBT-E should focus on building self-accountability to keep practicing skills after treatment ends. This study was the first to qualitatively explore post-treatment factors influencing skill use and deterioration in patients with bulimia-spectrum eating disorders after they completed outpatient CBT. Findings indicated that decreased skill use was a primary driver of post-treatment deterioration, and that relapse prevention for outpatient CBT for BN-EDs should focus on enhancing patients' self-accountability to continue practicing therapeutic skills independently after treatment ended.

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