
This study sought to identify patient/partner expectations and satisfaction with results of penile prothesis implantation for treatment of male erectile dysfunction. Upon admission for surgery and at six months postop each patient (N = 27; age range 35 to 72) and his sex partner (N = 26, age range 29 to 67) completed multidimensional questionnaires. The Satisfaction with Penile Implant Questionnaire was based on current literature and validated by content experts. A pilot study (N = 47) was used to refine the original instrument. A series of t-test comparisons suggested that although there was significantly less discord, the expected improvement in the overall relationship between partners postop did not occur. Frequency of intercourse and the males' physical satisfaction did not return to preimpotence levels, but emotional and pleasurable feelings during sex were significantly improved. Males reported a significant increase (t = 1.73, p <.05) in kissing following the implant surgery as well as an increas...

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