
2061Background: The live attenuated oral (SABIN) serotype 1 poliovirus vaccine was modified to contain a heterologous internal ribosomal entry site stemming from human rhinovirus type 2, creating PVSRIPO. PVSRIPO recognizes CD155, an oncofetal cell adhesion molecule and tumor antigen widely expressed ectopically in malignancy. We report the survival results of the dose-finding portion evaluating PVSRIPO delivered intratumorally by convection-enhanced delivery (CED) compared to a historical control group of patients (pts) treated at Duke. Methods: Eligible pts on trial were adults with recurrent supratentorial WHO grade IV MG; solitary tumor 1-5cm in diameter; ≥ 4 weeks after chemotherapy, bevacizumab or study drug; adequate organ function; KPS ≥ 70%; and positive anti-polio titer. A historical group of adult recurrent WHO grade IV mg pts treated at Duke between 1/01/07-12/15/14 was retrospectively identified based on presence of a solitary tumor 1-5cm in diameter, KPS ≥ 70%, and absence of clinical declin...

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