
Investigators applied simulation to an experimental program that educated, trained, and assessed at-risk, volunteering prisoners on opioid overdose (OD) prevention, recognition, and layperson management with intranasal (IN) naloxone. Consenting inmates were assessed for OD-related experience and knowledge then exposed on-site to standardized didactics and educational DVD (without simulation). Subjects were provided with IN naloxone kits at time of release and scheduled for postrelease assessment. At follow-up, the subjects were evaluated for their performance of layperson opioid OD resuscitative skills during video-recorded simulations. Two investigators independently scored each subject's resuscitative actions with a 21-item checklist; post hoc video reviews were separately completed to adjudicate subjects' interactions for overall benefit or harm. One hundred three prisoners completed the baseline assessment and study intervention and then were prescribed IN naloxone kits. One-month follow-up and simulation data were available for 85 subjects (82.5% of trained recruits) who had been released and resided in the community. Subjects' simulation checklist median score was 12.0 (interquartile range, 11.0-15.0) of 21 total indicated actions. Forty-four participants (51.8%) correctly administered naloxone; 16 additional subjects (18.8%) suboptimally administered naloxone. Nonindicated actions, primarily chest compressions, were observed in 49.4% of simulations. Simulated resuscitative actions by 80 subjects (94.1%) were determined post hoc to be beneficial overall for patients overdosing on opioids. As part of an opioid OD prevention research program for at-risk inmates, investigators applied simulation to 1-month follow-up assessments of knowledge retention and skills acquisition in postrelease participants. Simulation supplemented traditional research tools for investigation of layperson OD management.

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