
Purpose The purpose of this study is to compare patient-reported voice handicap and auditory-perceptual measures of voice between healthy individuals and COVID-19 patients, as well as to investigate the effect of clinical factors on voice quality. Methods COVID-19 patients (n = 138) and 90 healthy controls were included in the study. The Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE-V) was used to grade voice samples based on overall severity, roughness, breathiness, strain, pitch, and loudness. The Voice Handicap Index-10 was completed by all participants (VHI-10). Physical (pVHI), emotional (eVHI) and functional (fVHI) subscores were calculated. Clinical data were collected (disease stage, CT grade, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, CRP, and symptoms). Results A statistically significant difference between patient and control groups in VHI-10 and CAPE-V scores was detected (p < 0.001). Except eVHI, total score and all subscale scores were higher in patients with COVID-19 as the pVHI was the most affected (η2 = 0.324) subscale. All scores of CAPE-V were significantly worse in patients with COVID-19 as highest impact of COVID-19 was on breathiness (η2 = 0.518). Pre-existing pulmonary comorbidity, dyspnoea and N/L was significantly associated with the VHI-10 overall score (βpc = 4.27, βdyspnoea = 5.69 and βnl = 0.25). The overall severity of CAPE-V was significantly dependent on dyspnoea and pulmonary comorbidity (βdyspnoea = 11.25, βpc = 10.12). VHI ≥4 and CAPE-V overall severity ≥11 were good indicators of COVID-19 related dysphonia. Conclusions COVID-19 causes patient-reported voice handicap and deteriorates auditory-perceptual measures of voice. COVID-19 related voice impairment was mainly associated with the decreased respiratory capacity.

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