
In the business world, customer relationship management is utilized to hold customer reliability so as to expand income. Healthcare associations can fabricate a similar sort of relationship with patients, and it can likewise offer progressively unmistakable advantages. The principal advantage is by utilizing a similar hospital; a patient's treatment history ought to be moderately outstanding by the association. Intermittently, extraordinary hospitals utilize distinctive patient data frameworks which are not constantly perfect with one another. On the off chance that a patient continues changing the hospital, his or her medical record can be dissipated around different destinations. In a perfect world, if the patient is treated by a similar doctor in each visit, that doctor will get progressively comfortable with the patient, which could enhance treatment. The most unmistakable advantage, be that as it may, is time. In the event that the patient goes to a similar doctor inevitably, there is no requirement for long registration toward the start of each visit. In spite of the fact that a developing collection of proof backings, the utilization of cell phone short message service (SMS) for increasing physical movement, sustenance, and smoking suspension, past investigations were constrained by an attention on center to upper pay populaces, and have not focused on transcendently country networks outside the healthcare conveyance framework. Hospital websites are considered as a fitting framework for trading data and building up correspondence between patients, hospitals, and medical staff. Website character, website contact intelligence, shopping accommodation, just as consideration and service are the variables to the extent the patient relationship management is concerned. In healthcare situations, patients are considered as the primary customers; in this way, the term Patient Relationship Management (PRM) is utilized in these unique situations. PRM permits healthcare focuses to have a superior understanding into the requirements of patients while giving them better consideration. Thusly, PRM gives a chance to utilize information and data to comprehend customers and to make an incentive with them. The requirement for PRM developed when associations comprehended that it was less exorbitant to keep their present customers, while pulling in another customer would be more-expensive for an association than keeping their present customers. Keywords : CRM, patient communication, patient satisfaction, patient reminder, compliance, counseling, patient motivation, patient participation, patient engagement Cite this Article A. K. Mohiuddin. Patient Relationship Management: A CRM Approach to Patient Care. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions . 2019; 9(1): 45–58p.

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