
Intraoperative critical events are rarely experienced by individual surgeons but are commonly experienced at a workforce level. Finding unfamiliar or unexpected pathology, anatomy, haemorrhage or an iatrogenic organ or structure injury cannot be completely eliminated in the complex surgical environment. It is vital that an appropriate, safe response to these infrequent events takes place to prevent possible further harm to patients. This paper introduces 'Patient, Procedure, People', a tool adapted from aviation threat and error management (TEM) training. It allows surgical teams to improve situational awareness (SA), communicate effectively, flatten team hierarchy gradients and improve decision-making before responding to critical events. We review factors contributing to poor decision-making, with resulting errors. These include loss of SA (tunnel vision), acute stress reactions (fight-flight or freeze-hide) and limbic hijacking (surprise and startle events). Events may cause workload to increase beyond cognitive capacity, further exacerbating the situation. After completing initial actions to achieve a temporary 'place of safety', surgical teams may use the tool to effectively manage threat or mitigate error. Aviation is a high-reliability organisation that has pioneered human factors research and training. Airline pilots undergo regular simulated emergencies assessment, including mandatory human factors assessment. Although the complexities of the operating theatre do not currently lend themselves to high-fidelity simulation as in aviation, valuable transferrable lessons can be learnt from aviation's approach to TEM.

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