
Background: One of the principle obstacles to homeopathy’s general acceptance has been its perceived lack of sound theoretical basis within accepted deterministic bio-medical thought. This impasse might be circumvented if instead, appeal was made to the nondeterministic concepts of the physical sciences, e.g., quantum theory and its notions of entanglement, nonlocality, and uncertainty; Weak Quantum Theory (WQT) and Patient-Practitioner-Remedy (PPR) Entanglement representing two new complementary strands of thought with the potential to create a new theoretical basis for homeopathy. Objective: The goal of this present study was to generate a preliminary mathematical model of the action and reaction of the Vital Force to diseases and remedies within the developing contexts of WQT and PPR Entanglement, based on the metaphor of a hypothetical ‘quantized’ gyroscope as its physical representation. Methods: The physics of gyroscopic motion was combined with the quantum theory describing rotating objects (without some of its imposed limitations, e.g., Planck’s constant, in line with the relaxation of some of orthodox quantum theory’s axioms as proposed by WQT). Thus, increase or decrease in the rate of spin of the Vital Force’s hypothetical gyroscope was described in terms of quantized ‘shift operators’ constructed mathematically from the known ‘complementarity’ of a remedy’s primary and secondary symptoms, expressed in the notation of complex numbers. Ultimately, this generates a hypothetical ‘wave function’ for the Vital Force. Results: This hypothetical ‘wave function’ has been used to illustrate certain empirical observations of homeopathy and conventional medicine, e.g., the biphasal action of remedies encapsulated in the Arndt-Schulz Law, Wilder’s Law of Initial Value, and some of the results of homeopathic provings. Conclusion: This preliminary theoretical analysis suggests that perhaps these less well-known empirical observations should be reinvestigated and, if confirmed, could begin ultimately to provide a much-needed alternative to the doubleblind placebo-controlled trial as a means of investigating and testing the efficacy of homeopathy.

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