
This study comprehensively examines self-induced water intoxication (SIWI) from a patient perspective including demographics, reasons for seeking fluids, patterns/behaviors of fluid seeking, and symptoms frequently experienced while in a state of SIWI. The subjects were 45 of an original convenience sample of 62 individuals with a serious mental illness (SMI), hospitalized in a long-term state psychiatric facility, who engaged in self-induced water intoxication. All participants were interviewed in a structured format to complete a 40-item Likert-type questionnaire developed for the study, titled the Self-induced Water Intoxication Questionnaire (SIWIQ). In the study, the majority of participants were smokers, and reported no past problem with alcohol. SIWI occurred more in males than females, and was more predominant in those participants who had longer hospital stays. Anger and vomiting were found to be the two most predominant symptoms experienced when excess fluid consumption occurred. Behaviors of drinking from the shower, the toilet, and one's own urine are consistent with findings of previous studies and illustrate the difficulty in keeping individuals with SIWI from fluids. Data show that participants with SIWI experience considerable anxiety and cognitive difficulties and express these as reasons for engaging in excess fluid consumption. Boredom, obtaining a high, and sad mood were also predominant reasons identified for excess fluid drinking. Significant relationships were found and discussed. The findings provide support for the position that SIWI represents an attempt at treatment by the dysfunctional individual and is pursued for anxiolytic effects and alleviation of boredom. The data support the idea of approaching the problem from a dysfunctional coping framework, realizing that SIWI is a very complex problem, needing examination and intervention at multiple levels, beyond exclusive focus on fluid control.

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