
The study consisted in collecting and analysing data from 15 dialysis centres on referral modalities of 1,137 patients with end-stage renal failure starting renal replacement therapy. All the centres in question had implemented PFA Patient Flow Analysis, a management programme for pre-dialysis care from Baxter designed to help improve the collection of data on dialysis patients, from the first visit to a centre through to the start of renal replacement therapy. The aims of the study were threefold: a) describe patient referral modalities and the eligibility of patients for renal replacement treatment; b) determine how many early referrals (ERs) and late referrals (LRs)* have a permanent PD (Peritoneal Dialysis) or HD (Haemodialysis) access at the first treatment; c) for the main outcomes (permanent access at the first treatment and permanent dialysis treatment), compare the performance of centres that offer enhanced education with those that do not. The main characteristics (sex and age) of ERs (54%) are comparable to those of LRs. However, ERs generally have greater access to PD or the opportunity to choose the dialysis treatment. The vast majority (86%) have permanent access at the first dialysis treatment and a large number (44%) have PD as permanent dialysis treatment. Centres with structured pre-dialysis educational programmes experience a larger number of ERs, therefore ensuring better outcomes. For example, 66.3% of patients at centres with structured pre-dialysis educational programmes (compared to 48.2% at centres without enhanced education) start the dialysis treatment with permanent access; and more patients (40% vs. 22%) receive permanent PD.

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