
The ability of Patient Dependency Systems to provide information for staffing decisions and budgetary development has been demonstrated. In addition, they have become powerful tools in modern hospital management. This growing interest in Patient Dependency Systems has renewed calls for their automation. As advances in Information Technology and in particular Knowledge-Based Engineering reach new heights, hospitals can no longer afford to ignore the potential benefits obtainable from developing and implementing Patient Dependency Knowledge-Based Systems. Experience has shown that the vast majority of decisions and rules used in the Patient Dependency method are too complex to capture in the form of a traditional programming language. Furthermore, the conventional Patient Dependency Information System automates the simple and rigid bookkeeping functions. On the other hand Knowledge-Based Systems automate complex decision making and judgmental processes and therefore are the appropriate technology for automating the Patient Dependency method. In this paper a new technique to automate Patient Dependency Systems using knowledge processing is presented. In this approach all Patient Dependency factors have been translated into a set of Decision Rules suitable for use in a Knowledge-Based System. The system is capable of providing the decision-maker with a number of scenarios and their possible outcomes. This paper also presents the development of Patient Dependency Knowledge-Based Systems, which can be used in allocating and evaluating resources and nursing staff in hospitals on the basis of patients' needs.

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