
Patient blood management (PBM) is defined as the timely application of evidence-based medical and surgical concepts designed to maintain a surgical patient’s hemoglobin concentration, optimize hemostasis, and minimize blood loss in an effort to improve the outcomes. PBM is able to reduce mortality up to 68%, reoperation up to 43%, readmission up to 43%, composite morbidity up to 41%, infection rate up to 80%, average length of stay by 16%–33%, transfusion from 10% to 95%, and costs from 10% to 84% after major surgery. It should be noticed, however, that the process of PBM implementation is still in its infancy, and that its potential to improve perioperative outcomes could be strictly linked to the degree of adherence/compliance to the whole program, with decoupling and noncompliance being significant factors for failure. Therefore, the steering committees of four major Italian scientific societies, representing general surgeons, anesthesiologists and transfusion medicine specialists (Associazione Chirurghi Ospedalieri Italiani; Società Italiana di Anestesia, Analgesia, Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva; Società Italiana di Emaferesi e Manipolazione Cellulare; Società Italiana di Medicina Trasfusionale e Immunoematologia), organized a joint modified Delphi consensus conference on PBM in the field of major digestive surgery (upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, and hepato-biliopancreatic resections), whose results and recommendations are herein presented.

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