
A patient's health and well-being, as well as data from at least one healthcare interaction, are included in the EMR system. It may be accessed on a multi-level basis, with authentication according to the user type, inside an institution. The electronic medical record (EMR) system aids doctors in providing better care since it provides a comprehensive medical history for each patient. There are still many misconceptions about electronic medical records (EMR) in the minds of patients and hospital employees throughout the world, and this study aims to fill those gaps. A decade ago, searching PubMed and Google Scholar in addition to several specialized datasets like PsycINFO (Psychiatry Information Services) and Medline (Medical Library) (2007-2017). citations to papers that referenced a certain standard were included in the quality rating process. More than 1,300 entries were considered before just 78 were left for further examination. Access to non-medical information and the opportunity to examine electronic medical data were some of the concerns voiced by patients. However, even the best in-person explanation can't compensate for control over the EMR's content and access.

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