
Background & Aims: Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) face distinct recovery challenges. This mixed-methods study examines the service needs and help-seeking pathways of MSM (N = 25) living in a group of recovery residences operated in Texas, one of which is a home specifically designated for gay and bisexual men.Methods: Upon intake, adult MSM were recruited to complete an interview assessing the extent of their service needs as well as their recovery goals and expectations about their stay. Men were recruited regardless of whether they moved into the home designated for gay and bisexual men or into another one of the men’s homes.Results: MSM in the sample reported high rates of health conditions, depression, victimization, and sex risk behaviors. A greater number of them entering the gay and bisexual men’s home reported being in recovery from amphetamine use, having a chronic medical problem, and being physically assaulted as an adult. The majority of MSM, regardless of home type, were seeking emotional and social support as well as accountability in their recovery home experience, but MSM in the gay and bisexual men’s home talked about emotion and social support most frequently and within the context of emotional safety.Conclusions: MSM entering recovery housing have complex service needs. Recovery housing may play an important role in supporting recovery among MSM. Residences specifically for them could be tailored to address their unique needs by fostering connections to other sexual minorities in recovery and facilitating social identity transformation.

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