
The shifting age demographics of those experiencing homelessness in the United States expose shortcomings and barriers within homelessness response services and safety-net healthcare to address serious illness. The purpose of this study is to describe the common trajectories of patients concurrently experiencing homelessness and serious illness. As a part of the Research, Action, and Supportive Care at Later-life for Unhoused People (RASCAL-UP) study, the study uses patient charts (n = 75) from the only specialty palliative care program in the U.S. specifically for people experiencing homelessness. Through a thematic mixed-method analysis, a four-point typology of care pathways taken by people experiencing homelessness while seriously ill is introduced: (1) aging and dying-in-place within the housing care system; (2) frequent transitions during serious illness; (3) healthcare institutions as housing; and (4) housing as palliation. Implications of this exploratory typology include targeted, site-specific interventions for supporting goal-concordant patient care and assisting researchers and policy makers in appreciating heterogeneity in experience and need among older and chronically ill people experiencing homelessness and housing precarity.

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