
Abstract The cat's visual radiation was studied by placing lesions stereotaxically in various parts of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and tracing degenerated fibers in serial sections stained by the method of Nauta and Gygax. 1. (1) The visual radiation is initially oriented rostrally. It proceeds rostralward about 2–3 mm along the dorsal border of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus before turning caudalward. 2. (2) The visual radiation is entirely included in the external sagittal stratum. 3. (3) The visual radiation can be divided into 3 parts, pars anterodorsalis, intermedia and posteroventralis, according to their origin, course and termination. 4. (4) The ‘temporal knee’ or ‘temporal loop’ also exists in cats. It is formed by fibers arising from the pars posterior and dorsalis of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. 5. (5) A second recurrent detour of the visual radiation (monocular visual pathway) was found. It is formed by fibers from the lateral tip (monocular segment) of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. 6. (6) No evidence of the crossed geniculo-cortical pathway was observed.

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