
The urgent need to combat climate change is becoming a key determinant of the economic development paths of all nations. Economic growth remains a priority for national governments. However this growth is, increasingly, being measured by the effectiveness of the steps taken to protect the environment, including control of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. As the international community moves toward an effective global regime to price the use of carbon, some nations are already putting initiatives in place in order to take a leadership role in the drive to develop low-carbon economies. Masdar, an initiative of the Government of Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, is working on a broad slate of renewable energy and sustainability technologies in order to generate the skills, institutions and intellectual capital necessary for a low carbon future. Two: Masdar City, a carbon neutral, zero waste urban development and a world scale carbon capture and storage project, illustrate the thrust of Masdar’s efforts. By scaling up applications of existing renewable technologies, integrating them into effective systems and encouraging innovation, Masdar aims to become a leader in next generation energy and sustainability.

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