
This review will try to elucidate the interconnected pathophysiology of sarcopenia and type 2 diabetes (T2D) and will try to identify a common pathway to explain their development. To this end, the PubMed and Scopus databases were searched for articles published about the underlying pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of both sarcopenia and T2D. The medical subject heading (MeSH) terms 'sarcopenia' AND 'diabetes mellitus' AND ('physiopathology' OR 'diagnosis' OR 'therapeutics' OR 'aetiology' OR 'causality') were used. After screening, 32 papers were included. It was evident that sarcopenia and T2D share multiple pathophysiological mechanisms. Common changes in muscle architecture consist of a shift in myocyte composition, increased myosteatosis and a decreased capacity for muscle regeneration. Further, both diseases are linked to an imbalance in myokine and sex hormone production. Chronic low-grade inflammation and increased levels of oxidative stress are also known pathophysiological contributors. In the future, research efforts should be directed towards discovering common checkpoints in the development of T2D and sarcopenia as possible shared therapeutic targets for both diseases. Current treatment for T2D with biguanides, incretins and insulin may already convey a protective effect on the development of sarcopenia. Furthermore, attention should be given to early diagnosis of sarcopenia within the population of people with T2D, given the sizeable physical and medical burden it encompasses. A combination of simple diagnostic techniques could be used at regular diabetes check-ups to identify sarcopenia at an early stage and start lifestyle modifications and treatment as soon as possible.

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