
Pathomorphological alterations of chicken coccidiosis in Jammu division were undertaken in both organized and backyard chickens during the year 2010-2011. A total 240 intestines were examined from both organized farms and backyard chickens for histopathological studies. Out of 240 samples processed, 48 samples were found to be positive for coccidiosis with a prevalence of 20%. Coccidiosis was initially diagnosed on the basis of faecal examination and confirmed by the presence of sporulated oocysts and pathomorphological alterations in intestines. Eimeria species were identified by morphometry. Five Eimeria species identified were Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. maxima, E. acervulina and E. mitis. Histopathological lesions revealed loss of epithelial tissue, congestion of blood vessels which indicate disruption followed by haemorrhage, severe muscular oedema and necrosis of submucosa of intestine and caecum. There was loss of intestinal villi, disruption of caecal mucosa and clusters of oocysts seen. There was massive infiltration by heterophils and mononuclear cells. Several merozoites, schizonts and microgametes were found in the epithelial cells.

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