
Part 1 General principles: changing spectrum of human infectious diseases host-parasite interplay role of pathology in diagnosis of infections types of tissue responses to infection microscopic detection of pathogenic organisms. Part 2 Viral infections: viral pathogenesis viral diseases of the digestive system viral skin rashes systemic and hematopoietic viral disorders adult immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) arboviral and zoonotic viral fevers viral encephalitis and myelitis viral myocarditis viral skin growths. Part 3 Chlamydial infections: chlamydial pathogenesis chlamydial diseases. Part 4 Rickettsial infections: rickettsial pathogenesis rickettsial diseases. Part 5 Mycoplasma infections: mycoplasma pathogenesis diseases caused by mycoplasmas. Part 6 Bacterial infections: bacterial pathogenesis diseases caused by pyogenic cocci diseases caused by common gram-negative bacteria bacterial diseases of childhood enteric bacterial diseases clostridial diseases zoonotic bacterial diseases rare gram-negative infections treponemal diseases mycobacterial diseases diseases caused by streptomycetales. Part 7 Fungal and algal infections: fungal pathogenesis superficial mycoses opportunistic mycoses endemic fungal diseases diseases caused by algae (protothecosis). Part 8 Protozoal infections: protozoal pathogenesis diseases caused by luminal protozoa diseases caused by bloodstream protozoa diseases caused by intracellular protozoa. Part 9 Helminthic infections: helminthic pathogenesis diseases caused by tissue nematodes filarial diseases diseases caused by cestodes diseases caused by trematodes. Part 10 Patients at special risk of infection: general risk categories residents and travellers in endemic areas pregnant women and neonates infants and elderly persons the poor, homeless, the addicted patients genetically predisposed immunosuppressed and leukopenic patients AIDS patients. Epilogue: the sience and art of infectious disease medicine.

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