
The State of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil is the most important Brazilian producer region. The Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas and the brown mussels Perna perna are the main species currently produced. The occurrence and impact of parasites on bivalves from natural or culture populations from Brazil are still poorly studied. This work describes several diseases, parasites and commensals from four edible bivalve species, from cultured and exploited stocks, from five sites at Santa Catarina State. Unspecific histopathological symptoms of stress, parasites and commensals were found, including viral gametocytic hypertrophy and rickettsia-like organisms with very low prevalences; the protozoan Nematopsis sp. with high prevalence and, ovarian parasites with low prevalences; and, diverse metazoans, such as turbellarian, sporocysts and metacercariae of trematodes, metacestoda larvae and spionid polychaete. Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium assays for detection of Perkinsus spp. did not detect any infected bivalves. Polymerase chain reaction assays for Marteiliodies chungmuensis in oysters with ovarian lesions produced negative results.

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