
Abstract Introduction/Objective Stillbirth is defined as fetal death that occurs at gestational age of ≥28 weeks. In our setting clinical assessment is the only method used to determine cause of stillbirths, with no reported proportion of unknown clinical diagnosis. Studies showed that unknown cause of stillbirths can be reduced by examination of placenta. Causal identification aids in the mourning process and identifying recurrence risks. The study aimed to describe pathological changes in the placentas of stillbirths which have risk to cause fetal death Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study done for the period of 6 months, it involved examination of 80 placentas of stillbirths born at gestational age of ≥ 28 weeks, placentas were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 8–12 hours. Grossing and interpretation of placenta pathology was according to Amsterdam Placental Workshop Group Consensus Statement. Results Out of 80 stillbirths, 32(40%) had unknown clinical diagnosis. Majority of stillbirth placentas 71(91%) found with either one or combined pathologies with the risk to cause stillbirth. Maternal vascular malperfusion was the commonest pathology and was significantly associated with preterm stillbirths. Maternal floor infarction, a placenta pathology with risk to cause fetal death and high risk of recurrence was among the pathologies found, was seen in 4(5%) of stillbirth placentas. Conclusion Findings in this study clearly indicated the importance of pathological examination of placenta in determining cause of stillbirth. Placenta examination in stillbirths can identify more pathology related to stillbirths than clinical assessment alone.

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