
The black rat (Rattus rattus) is an invasive species and potential reservoir of significant pathogens of man, domestic animals and wildlife. During the 2012-2014 austral summers, 201 black rats were captured and examined on the uninhabited Guafo Island, in Northern Chilean Patagonia (43.593029°S, 74.713481°W). The mite Ornithonyssus bacoti caused lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic dermatitis in all infected rats (105/210, 52%), but no skin lesions were observed in rats infected with Nosopsyllus spp. and Plocopsylla spp. fleas. Eighty-eight rats (44%) had mild lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic enterocolitis and 61 of these rats were infected with the nematode Heterakis spumosa. In the liver, 63 animals (31%) had areas of necrosis with histiocytic and eosinophilic inflammation associated with multiple Calodium hepaticum eggs, and in 15 cases there was co-infection with several Taenia taeniaeformis strobilocerci. Mild interstitial lymphoplasmacytic sialadenitis with intranuclear inclusion bodies, suggesting cytomegalovirus infection, was observed in 28 rats (15%). In the lung, alveolar histiocytosis (69 rats, 34%) and perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates (46 rats, 23%) were the most common findings. There was mild to moderate lymphoplasmacytic interstitial nephritis in 52 rats (26%) and in 15% of these cases Leptospira spp. antigen was detected in the distal renal tubules. Some of the diseases of black rats on Guafo Island are likely to play a role in rat population dynamics. The endemic Guafo Island long-clawed mole mouse (Geoxus lafkenche), sea lions and fur seals may be at risk for infection by some of these rat pathogens.

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