
Peritoneal loose bodies are usually incidental findings at laparotomy. Their sizes range from that of a pea to giant loose bodies. We report a case of giant loose peritoneal body measuring 5x 4 cm found incidentally in a 67 year old man. Mobile pelvic masses are extremely rare findings. They are usually located in the pelvic cavity due to the fact that they gravitate to the most dependent part of the pelvic cavity. Usually these peritoneal loose bodies are left untreated until complications arise. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/jpn.v3i6.9005 Journal of Pathology of Nepal (2013) Vol. 3, 512-514


  • Peritoneal bodies are rare lesions which are usually asymptomatic

  • Ultrasound showed a presence of hypoechoeic mass in the right lower abdomen adjacent to urinary bladder with central echogenic focus and was advised for contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) for further evaluation

  • Peritoneal loose bodies may present with no symptoms like as in our case or may present with various symptoms due to compression effects like abdominal pain, constipation, acute retention of urine and intestinal obstruction.[10]

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Peritoneal bodies are rare lesions which are usually asymptomatic. They are occasionally found at laparotomy and are usually small sized, like peas (1-2cm). Per. Ultrasound showed a presence of hypoechoeic mass in the right lower abdomen adjacent to urinary bladder with central echogenic focus and was advised for contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) for further evaluation. The CT scan showed a well-defined mass enhancing soft tissue density mass lesion with central hyper dense foci in pelvic cavity abutting posterior wall of urinary bladder suggesting of bowel mass. The diagnostic laparoscopy was performed which revealed a presence of a single oval shaped freely mobile mass of size of roughly hens egg completely free in the peritoneal cavity. Cut surface revealed central core which was yellowish area with white laminated area at the periphery (fig.1B &C). Of hyalinized material at the periphery with central area showing necrotic fat with areas of calcification (fig.[2] and fig.[3])

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