
1. Abstract A complementary study was conducted to investigate histomorphometric changes in gut and liver due to dietary supplementation of betaine and chromium pico linate (Cr- Pic) or blend of them in Nile tilapia. Fish were divided into four groups; first group was fed a Cr- Pic or betaine free basal diet, other three groups were fed on basal diet supplemented with 800 μ g/kg Cr-Pic, 10 g/kg of betaine and betaine+Cr-Pic (10 g/kg of betaine and 800 μ g Cr-Pic). Morphometric measurements made in the intestine included counting numbers of Goblet Cells (GCs), Eosinophilic Granulocytes (EGs) and Intra Epithelial Lymphocytes (IEL), villous height, height of the enterocytes (EH) and thickness of muscular coat. Histomorphometric analysis showed that betaine increased number of GCs and IEL. Cr-Pic increased number of GCs, EGs and <span style=font-size:10.0pt; font-family: times= new= roman,serif;mso-bidi-language:ar-eg=> thickness of muscular coat. Betaine+Cr-Pic increased number of EGs, length of EH, villous height, perimeter and area , thickness of muscular coat and decreased Hepatocytes/Nuclear (H/N) ratio . We concluded that the dietary inclusion of both betaine and Cr-Pic was beneficial for liver and gut health in Nile tilapia. 2. Keywords: Betaine; Chrome; Fish; Liver; Pathology

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